New Member
Well I never post because I most the time never have a problem with my fish that I cant handle. However I have never had ick in over 5 years. I added a Butterfly fish after it was in my QT for about a month. He was fine however I looked today and saw some small salt-grain looking dots on my fish. Here is my problem-My fish are huge. I cant fit them all into my 25gallon QT tank.. One of my tangs is over a foot long.. Have a gold-flake, personifer, Red Sea Regal, Annulairs, Blue-Face, Majestic, and worst of all a Conspicillatus angle. With many small assorted fish. They all have been happy for over a year now. Eveyone is eating fine atm. Feed them garlic-soaked foods. Spectrum Thera +A--Assorted frozen foods.. Live brine shirmp after I let them sit in Freshwater for about 4mins. They all eat very well. Tank has plenty of filtration, with a huge Helix UV on it. Also have a ton of live-rock in my tank. Guess my question is how can I kill this ick before it takes a tull on my fish. Will copper trash my Live-rock? I have never tried Hypo either and I have read about all the threads I can handle in the last few days. Any ideas or suggestions I would love to have.. Thanks for your time...