37 gal cube-picture included


Active Member
this is my new seahorse tank. though I wont be adding the horses for several months. I want the tank to mature.



Active Member
Looks good, what kind of seahorses are you getting for it and are you keeping anything with them or species only?


Active Member
I'm getting two cb h. erectis. I have a flame blenny and a clown gobie in there right now. not sure if i will keep them in there or not. I also have mushrooms, and a few zoos


TeresaQ, I really like the way your tank looks. It's gonna make a great tank for seahorses. I agree w/BabyB, it needs a background. Can't wait to see some seahorse's in there...


Active Member
thanks, and yah i know about background. I have it sitting here, but just didnt have time to up it on today. I have a really nice royal blue that will go on.