37 gal tank, what to put in it?


This will be my second tank and when I first pointed it out to my husband I wanted it for sea horses but now that he suprised me with it I dont know. I have a lot going on and have to be out of town some weekends so sea horses wouldn't ideal so what else could I put in a 37gal column tank? Its 20x18x25 I have a 90gal too. I do have a friend that comes in and takes care it when I'm not here so they aren't neglected.


I have all of the above in my 90, I was looking for something differnet. I know its a small tank, would a fuzzy dwarf lion fish be ok in it?


yea i would say so but that might be all you would be able to get the produce alot of waste so the water might be kind of hard to keep perfect if you plan on having and corals.. but that should be good


Originally Posted by MSCenter58
yea i would say so but that might be all you would be able to get the produce alot of waste so the water might be kind of hard to keep perfect if you plan on having and corals.. but that should be good
I wasn't planning on corals since I have them in my 90 and I knew it would probably be the only one in there. They are just a beautiful thought!


you could put an octo in there. Search for member "TexasMetal" and check out his thread on octo's. There is regular and dwarf I believe


Active Member
A 37 gallon cylinder would be a perfect octo tank IMO thats what made me think of it. Damn, now I want an octopus. Only downside to octo's is that they don't live long, but they're supposed to be just about the smartest thing you can get in a home aquarium. I think it'd be a lot of fun.


you could get a gold stripe maroon clown if your looking for something colorful or a mandarin goby. but a fuzzy dwarf would be fine i have 2 right now there really hardy and one of the coolest fish i ever had.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm biased because this is the exact setup I have for my Horses, but I'd put in a vote to keep your first idea for seahorses! They make such amazing pets, and a 37 column tank is perfect for 3 or 4 medium sized horses, or a pair of large ones.
You mentioned you were concerned because you would be going away for a couple weekends? Big deal! Put a timer on the light, throw a dozen live glass shrimp in the tank, and let them fend for themselves! Horses LOVE live feeder shrimp, and its amazing to watch them chow down on one. They really go to town hunting the shrimp down. Only thing is, see if you can find a LFS who keeps their feeder shrimp in salt water...acclimating fresh water feeders to salt water is a bit of a pain.
I'm just saying that horses are challenging, but less difficult to keep than some people think. PM me your email address and I'll send you some info if you want!


Try some cuttlefish
I can give you names of some people that sell them and they live for 1-2years (long then dwarf octo) and reproduce easy, as well as fun to watch but an angler is as good too.