New Member
We were lucky enough to purchase a 72 gallon reef tank already established several months ago. Since everything seems to be going well in that tank, we are hoping to get our 37 gallon tank up & running too. My daughter just turned 8 & all she wanted for her B-day is the 37 gallon tank set up. Since we would be starting this tank from scratch, we are thinking a fish only tank with live rock & sand. Other than a heater, what other "things" should I add to the Eclipse system? Also, due to it's size what fish reccommendations do you all have? My daughter would love to have a Royal Gramma, & another type of Clown (she already has a mated pair of Sabe, & a Maroon in the 72 gallon). I would like to add something a little differnt, that maybe couldn't be put into a reef tank. Obviously, tank size is the biggest consideration with this...any ideas would be greatly appreciated!