38g Aggressive Question


I have a 38g tank with ~2" LS and 42lbs of LR with 2 false percula clowns (about 1" each) and inverts.
I want to add a dwarf lionfish that is still a juvenile and would prefer not to go with a fu manchu as it seems to be a more difficult fish to keep from what I read, though I would prefer its smaller size.
So my questions are, how well will this setup work? Is a juvenile dwarf lionfish capable of eating a 1" clown? Anyone have good/bad experiences with fu manchu lionfish? Thanks for reading and any suggestions are appreciated.


Active Member
a lion will eat anything that will fit into its mouth.
That being said, i have a dwarf lion (about 2" now) 2 false percs, red antena goby, LMB in my 55.... and they get along fine.


Active Member
ones about an inch and a half, the other an inch. ive had the bigger of the two for almost 4 mts now, and the smaller about 2.


Active Member
aslong as you have very overpowered filteration... and you will def need a proteen skimmer w/ the lion.