I just added my first fish to my 39g. I bought a fuzzy dwarf lion and also went ahead and got a dozen hermits, a chocolate chip star and a pencil urchin. I would also like to add a valentini puffer, and a pixy hawk or a long nose depending on which is available in my area at that time. I would like to get a dozen margarita snails and a few sand sifting snails also, cerith or nassarius, and also want to get a some other type of urchin. Long spines and pincushions are available in my area so I'll probably go with a pincushion. I have about 45 pounds of LR, and around 35 pounds of LS. I'm using a Millenium 3000 w/one side of carbon and the other of LR rubble, and a coralife super skimmer. Any suggestions on other cleaners that I could get that wouldn't be eaten by the fish? And do these fish sound like they could work well together?