3g pico.


Active Member
most of u know i got a 3g pico for my girlfriends bday. this thing is packed with coral!!! its a sweet tank we....she....just got a seabe anenome and i got her zoos that have about 100 heads, ill get pics tonight.


Well good luck with your/ her tank. But beware of the sebae, I have one that is in my 30g and it can touch all sides now, (it is a cube), and I have had to move out most of my corals because it is always stinging them. I would guess this sebae is probably 16 to 20 inches when it is all spread out. I have had it 2 years now.


Just a thought for you guys, I was just doing my tank maintenance on my sebae anemone tank. I call it that because it has killed about every mushroom, ric, zoe's, torch coral, fox coral, candy cane coral, etc. All I have left in there with it is a hugh hammer coral that is still out of its reach, and a few polyps. I found 1 little mushroom hiding around the corner from the anemone. Mind you I have had to remove a bunch of corals from this tank, besides the ones it killed.
So if you want to keep your corals healthy I would return the anemone. If you want to end up with and anemone tank, keep it but be aware that it will get rid of all your corals for you and you will have to get it a much bigger tank in the future.
First picture is when I first got it, 2 yrs ago. Last picture was taken about 6 mo's ago. It has grown a lot even since that picture.



I agree with EmeraldCrab...you gotta choose the nem or the corals! in that sized tank they wont be able to co-exist for very long! unless you are planning to have a bigger tank in the future?


No sorry it is not a coral. It is a sebae anemone. the first picture is of when I had only had it a week or so. The next one was about 6 months ago. Believe me it is NOT a elegance coral. I have had them before.