
captn bob

been thinking of setting up a pico[approx 3 gal] on my desk . Drs. f/s have them , i could take a couple of peices of live rock from my tank to put in there but not sure about what i could put in it with the lite that comes with it ,aquascaping it is another issue! anybody out there with one of these please post a photo so i might get a idea or 2 thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by captn bob
been thinking of setting up a pico[approx 3 gal] on my desk . Drs. f/s have them , i could take a couple of peices of live rock from my tank to put in there but not sure about what i could put in it with the lite that comes with it ,aquascaping it is another issue! anybody out there with one of these please post a photo so i might get a idea or 2 thanks

I think there is a current usa light that fits on the 3gallon pico that's 2x18watts or something like that..
seen aquaclear 20s and such on the back to replace the stock pump...
I'm sure some crazy has even done a sps picotope lol.
Personally, I'd do an LPS, zoa, and ricordea tank with the aftermarket light... that's just me though.. a group of 5 sexy shrimp would be cool too.


Active Member
well i have a 3g tank. the tomtom one. its cool but since its acrylic it got scratch alot! but its pretty fun. if you look at my blog you can see it. also mine brought a 18watt 50/50 light

captn bob

thanks for the ideas& photos i,m thinking a rico,a blood shrimp,& maybe ayellow watchman goby for non stop movement along with striking colors throughout the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by captn bob
thanks for the ideas& photos i,m thinking a rico,a blood shrimp,& maybe ayellow watchman goby for non stop movement along with striking colors throughout the tank?
i dunno about non stop movement... yellow watchmen chill in one place alot. Get a lid if you stick on in 3gallon, it'll jump out.


Active Member
I think the yelllow watchman and blood shrimp both get way too big, I'd stick with something smaller like a trio of sexy shrimp and *maybe* a clown goby if you've got to have a fish (I wouldn't) You could put some cool corals in there tho, a little zoo garden or some riccordia would be nice... A pom pom crab would be neat too and has some nice colour. (If you were going to grow out the blood shrimp and put it in your larger tank you could do that maybe but I think the watchman will jump)


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
a few sexy shrimp, pom pom crab and a panda goby!!!!

I agree with Keri rics and zoos would be cool
Aren't panda gobies some weird specialized feeder? I real all sorts of stuff these days on the internet lol...
p.s. Lauren, don't feel like you're starving anymore?


Active Member
lol panda gobies are so cool and they are really tiny!
I ate french fries... I feel better now... thanks for asking lol


Active Member
wait wait... they need a pocillopora coral to hide in... that's what it is... you must have one of these apparently for long term success with a panda goby.
I like citrons myself, but feel like a 3 gallon is probably too small for any fish.
an odd numbered group of sexy shrimp work well in this application though as stated before.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
wait wait... they need a pocillopora coral to hide in... that's what it is... you must have one of these apparently for long term success with a panda goby.
I like citrons myself, but feel like a 3 gallon is probably too small for any fish.
an odd numbered group of sexy shrimp work well in this application though as stated before.
really? I never knew that. I always wanted a panda goby...


Active Member
I have a pocci - does that mean I need a panda goby? I think he'd get lost in my tank ;)
DeMartini's tank on the otherhand would be perfect, you must have enough light for one and it's a nano.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
I have a pocci - does that mean I need a panda goby? I think he'd get lost in my tank ;)
DeMartini's tank on the otherhand would be perfect, you must have enough light for one and it's a nano.
You could always get one just to say you have one... lol.
I was thinking... a spikefin goby would go great in this itty bitty tank or a couple... but it would have to have some pods or he'd have to feed arctipods.
They get .75-1inch and don't really move all that much... mostly doing that display of their cool lookin fins.
i have a clown goby in my 5.5gallon and he has plenty of room, i think you could easily do a smaller goby, even maybe a baby yellow clown and if it outgrew the tank im sure you could give it back to the fishstore. They only cost like 5$ when they are that little
odds are though it would work in a 3gallon


Active Member
Hey Lauren remember C est Ma's pair of mating green banded gobies? I think they get to 2 " and may be cool in a little pico. Hers were in a 5.5 gallon. They spawned all the time. She would post pics of the babies that were incredible.


Active Member
Yes, her tank is beautiful like yours. Search
My humble 5.5 over there to take a look at it.