3yr old plenum reef still running


Active Member
Hi everyone,
I have a picture of my 29gal Reefugium. There are no fish in it. I only add makeup water, Marinesnow and Aragamilk to the tank. It doesnt have a skimmer and only uses powerheads and mechanical filtration. The sand bed is a plenum system and the water chemistry is constant. For lighting I have a 175 watt Sunburst 12000K bulb and have always used them with no problems. All corals in the tank have grown prolly twice its size in the last 3 yrs. I started with 5 mushroom polyps and they cover the LR from end to end.

nm reef

Active Member
More pics please...I've always liked the appearence of that lil 29....still doing good huh!!
Lots of ways to maintain a reef...obviously yours is working just fine.
