I went away this weekend and I just got some coralife bulbs on monday and I went away this weekend. I just bought a long tenticle and so I left the lights on. I came back and there was tons of algae (yellow/Orange) and my yellow tang, bang. cardnal,very old algae blenny, and small figure 8 puffer are all dead. MY larger porcupine puffer very skinny and will not eat. My lunar wrassel and two damsels in good health. And the small clown fish hiding which is not like him. PPleasssssse help me if you can, I tested the water on thursday and it was fine ph at 8.0 so i picked up a buffer and just put that in. I cleaned all the algae on the glass and cleaned out the filter and the skimmer. I dont know what to do. And there was some type of sickness in the tank but it did not kill anything and most fish seemed to be doing well when I left. Hellp!!!