4 inch lionfish safe with...


I have a lion, trigger, and porc puffer with a perc clown, the get along fine......
But personalities do varry fish to fish........


Active Member
40gallons is too small for that guy.

He IS really beautiful, I understand the temptation to buy him - I'm OBSESSED with lions, but I don't have room for them currently either.

Wait 'till you've got a big tank - set one up just for lions, or do an aggressive. :joy:
Lions will eat anything they can fit in their mouths...and their mouths are as big as they are :scared:
Your clowns would be dinner in a matter of weeks - Volitans grow FAST.
Enjoy him 'till he leaves the LFS, for now - and enjoy your clowns!


But we both know when he getes to big to watch out....
I say this because others will think we are dumb and did not think of them getting eaten.
They might, but no day soon.


Even by the picture I can tell you he will easily swallow a clown. Plus, 40 gallons is too small. I have a little lion in my 55 gal, but only because I plan to upgrade to a 100 gal soon.