4 month old 125 gal swim tank


Here is my 125 gal salt tank I just converted 4 months ago, I am looking for suggestions and different ideas. There is about 40 lbs. of live rock, the big rocks in the middle are just porous(?) land rock. Should I add more live rock to help filtration? I have an enclosed sump filtration with an internal skimmer, UV light (forgot wattage), 3 Rio 800's for water flow. I also have a 10 gal quarantine tank in the cabinet under the tank.
I am definatly open for suggestions after seeing all of the amazing tanks on here, I would appreciate any information at all.
The fish in the tank now:
Harlequin Tusk
Tesselatta Eel
Clarki Clown
Cleaner Wrasse
Future Fish:
Red voilitin Lion
Dog Face
I will load some pics as soon as I can figure out how to make them smaller!!
any suggestions.... :notsure: ?



Use a program called Photo Resizer - do a google search. Works well for me


Thanks to nluchau..here are the pic I promised of my tank. Again, let me know what you think and please give me suggestions.


I like how you have a lot of open space, it looks clean, but i'd still hafta say go with more LR. I had 25 lbs in my 55g up until 2 weeks ago when I got 45 more and it has made me stare at it atleast 30 more mins a day. haha! I know it's expensive as sheeet but if you have a 125 I can't imagine you not being able to afford a lil more rock for ur fishees. just a thought. keep it up young grasshoppah!


Very Nice!!!
Glad the program worked. It's so easy to use too


Fishhead, "tanks" for the compliment....lol
I do intend on getting more LR for the middle and on the left side as you look at the tank, I was unsure if I should add or leave it, thank's for the suggestions
nluchau, YEah, thanks again, that program is ver easy to use...glad I could get my pics loaded to share in here...
By the way chau, I race with and have a good friend from Fargo......


I will also keep posting my pics of the Tesselatta Eel and the Halequin as they grow and as I add new fish


Originally Posted by MHOUP
By the way chau, I race with and have a good friend from Fargo......

Yeah this town has over 100,000 people. Odd's are I dont know your friend. Thats cool to know though.


The Harlequin will get about 12 in also, Tesselatta can get to about 5.9 ft. that is part of the reason I will have larger more aggressive fish, I hope things work out even though the Tesse is very cool


Jay thanks, the middle piece is actually two large pourous rocks at 95#'s it took me forever t find the rocks I was looking for, I am going to add more live rock but not sure how much.