4/Sale PPE's- Lakeland FL

don lino

I have a frag of four head PPE's for $150. pickedup or $200. shipped next day with DHL anywhere in the U.S.

Sorry for the bad pix, but these is the frag you will get. Thanks


Active Member
are you serious?????? am i missing something here? i never knew they were 150$!!!!!!!!!!

don lino

LMAO... These are PPE's not RPE's. They usually go for $50. a head. This is a great deal for those who know what they are. Try and google Purple People Eater. And those in that link are ugly compared to these, not even real RPE's for $20. a head. I can get a colony of those wannabe RPE's for $39.99, no joke!


Active Member
so a true ppe is very purple on the inside w/ green outside? is that the only way to tell the real one?


Active Member
wow... assuming these things are true PPE's then that is a good price. i was just looking for some on sale at another site and they were $75 PER POLYP.


Active Member
just because others sell them at rediculous prices to me doesnt make this a good deal...i find it insane to pay that much for four polyps that may or not make it in a shipment and that may change morphs when in my tank...they're expenisve because people love the colors and pictures people take of the purple with green skirt and the green slit mouth.....they are great zoos, but i think prices need to come down(everywhere), thats just my opinion, good luck selling them though!, i'm sure someone will buy them so people can keep prices this high everywhere


Originally Posted by Bronco300
just because others sell them at rediculous prices to me doesnt make this a good deal...i find it insane to pay that much for four polyps that may or not make it in a shipment and that may change morphs when in my tank...they're expenisve because people love the colors and pictures people take of the purple with green skirt and the green slit mouth.....they are great zoos, but i think prices need to come down(everywhere), thats just my opinion, good luck selling them though!, i'm sure someone will buy them so people can keep prices this high everywhere



Don Lino, one can say the same thing about your frag for sale that it is not a true PPE. Why knock on my frags for sale, and yes they are RPE thank you very much.
Just because someone mad a mistake and posted my RPE on your PPE add doesn't give you the right to knock my stuff. They came from a very well known dealer. Also mine are $20 for a frag of 4-6 heads.
I think you should take your own advice that you gave to the other poster and do a google search on RPE!
This is all I have to say to the likes of you, so go ahead and respond back with your immature attitude as I wont waste anymore of my time responding back, have a nice day!
P.S. *Link Removed* had PPE for $35 a head

don lino

No immature here, I see alot of postings with out thinking, all good. People arent really like this when you can communicate in person.
Sorry for knocking your stuff I was just calling it how it was. I can get those like I said, sorry if the truth hurts.
O' and do the math... mine are only $37.50 a polyp. not that much a differnce from the site u posted that I cant even find...
Your the immature one who took it personal, o'well.


Active Member
there are many collectors that would love this in their collection. just like people pay 1,300 dollars for a certain rare fish even if its not the best looking, its just up to the person who collects them to buy it. if no one has the money for them then dont buy it

don lino

Originally Posted by nietzsche
there are many collectors that would love this in their collection. just like people pay 1,300 dollars for a certain rare fish even if its not the best looking, its just up to the person who collects them to buy it. if no one has the money for them then dont buy it

nietzsche, very well put, thanks a Bunch...


These look great , As for people that want something for nothing you will find your stuff somewhere else . Don stick to your price because there are people out there that will buy things for what they are worth . Low ballers are everywhere