4 sale tanks


I have a 175G no stand, 75 r/r no stand and two "55 with stands & canopys one black other tan" i live in jackson ville NC i would sell 175 for about $200.00 75g for about $100.00 55 each of them for about $200.00 with stand tank and canopy.
let me know if you or any one is intrested just PM me
this is just for pick up i will not ship them
if you live close i will load it in my 4runner and drive a little bit for you.
i am also shutting down my 36 shortly i have stand and tank


New Member
dang I wish I lived near North Carolina :(...I'd really like the 175 but I'm in Tennessee lol
EDIT: wait what am I saying? Im not far from NC lol...ok I'm pming you :p


i sent emails out no pic yet i will take them in the am.
thank you
Hay evey one else just PM me i will get back to you quicker i dont look at always look at the post every day unless I need something