40 g agressive stocking question


Active Member
hello guys.
Right now i have a little snowflake eel (named Kim Joung Eel) in a 29 gallon tank i have, and i am going to set up a 40 gallon breeder for him for once he grows some. The dimentions are 36X18X16
I know that i will have to secure the lid on realy tight and everything since he will get longer than the tank is tall. I also have a tetratec pf300 filter. So once i get live rock and a heater and lighting and substrate and all that good stuff, i figure he will be about the right size to transfer him over.
Does anyone else have any suggestions for fish to put in with him?
I was thinking maybe a fuzzy dwarf lion, or some type of puffer, or maybe even a little angler, like a Sargassum angler or some type that will only get about 5-6 inches long. He is going to be sharing a tank with my snowflake eel, so that means there will be live rock too.
Any comments on my list of ones i would like?
Can a combination of them go or not go in my tank?
Any other suggestions for fish?


Active Member
would anyone like to help me out?
dont mean to be pushy, i jsut dont want this to get so far down in the posts that no one will see it
thanks guys n' gals


From my research and what I have been reading, propably the eel in the 40 is enough. It may be crowded adding anything else.
But I'm no pro, still learning myself!


Most aggressive fish get BIG!! I think even, the SFE in a 40 is a bit small. If the eel is still a baby, maybe you could add a fuzzy dwarf lion, but that's it!!!! AND you would have to be prepared to upgrade your tank to at least 75 gallons within a year. Just my 2 cents:D


Active Member
You could keep the SFE and a dwarf lion of some sort in that tank for quite some time. Though a little bit larger tank would be preferred, with adequate filtration, you won't see any ill effects. I kept those two species in a 40g breeder, and they did fine, especially with the breeder's large footprint, gave the eel plenty of substrate area to call his own.
You'd probably want to look at upgrading for the eel's sake in a year or so. Is it a standard 40g or a 40 breeder?


Active Member
its a 40 gallon breeder. yeah, i got it so that he would have more space on the bottom. The bottom is 36X18, so thats 4.5 square feet for him and his live rock to move around in. I have a tetratec PPF 300, it works on tanks anywhere from 30-60 gallons and it has 4 different filter pads for both manual and biological filtration, as well as a padded section for biological filtration, plus ill have bunches of pounds of live rock, and maybe a few little hermits will be able to escape the jaws of a fuzzy dwarf or something like that to eat anything on the bottom.
would that be enough do you think?