40 Gal Breeder Diary!!!!


Active Member
Dont really have nothing to post in it. Or anything just wanted to start a diary.
Tank prolly wont be set up til November or something like that,
Ill post pics of some of the stuff I got for the tank so far later!


Active Member
I beleive the DT measures 36 long, 18 tall, and 16 wide.
I bought an Oceanic 1 Model Sump.
I know it could be made better so let me know what I should add.
Measurements are 24L, 13W, and 17T. Dont know the gallons of the tank I forgot the forumla. I think around 20 gals is the sump


Active Member
My lighting is a 36 inch TEK fixture. the 6 bulb w indiv reflectors. Havent got all the bulbs as of now. Ive only ordered 2 bulbs and need 4 more. So far ive spent I think 450 on the lights and need to spend another 100+ more

For the Skimmer im going to get an Octopus brand. I cant remember the model. MSX or something.
Think im gonna buy a 10 gal tank and drill it and plumb it for a fuge! But IDK yet. Gotta see how much room I have after I finsih the stand.
Im building the stand myself. Im sure itll be ghetto since im no carpetner or anything, but as long as it gets the job done Ill be good!
Ill post pics after school and work of what I have so far.


Active Member
Oh yeah tank will be a mixed reef. SPS, LPS, RICS, and of Course zoas! But only the best I have will make into this tank. I want a lot of LE corals and what not in here...
Fish wish I really dont know yet. One day I want a lot of schooling peaceful colorful fish. then next day I want a few aggressive fish. So we'll see how that plays out.
So far I think I have 2 Koralis. maybe a 3 and 2 or just two 2 models. I cant remember. Ill prolly add another small powerhead as well. And I have a stealth 150 watt heater. And Ill buy another one for backup.
I drilled the 40 gal for an overflow box. I got it off glass holes.
Heres Pics of the sump and other things for the tank



Active Member
Woohoo, another tank. I am sure it will be filled up in no time.
Can't wait to see it started. Good luck rebel, although you won't need it


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Woohoo, another tank. I am sure it will be filled up in no time.
Can't wait to see it started. Good luck rebel, although you won't need it

U always need luck in this hobby.
Lol 40 is just a small tank to me. Its only 6 more gallons than the red sea max? lol. Plus I like the NANO FORUMS!


Active Member
NO updates for this tank. really aint worried about i anymore lol, my new fav tank is the 5 gal tank!
Finally decided on the bulb combination im gonna try..
1 Giesemann AuqaBlue 15K (already Have)
1 Giesemann Midday 6K (Already have)

1 Fiji Purple by Korallen Buent (29.00)
1 Giesemann AquaBlue Plus 11K (21.00)
1 Giesemann Pure Actinic 03 (25.00)
1 ATI Blue Plus (20.00)

So im lookin at another 100 bucks with shipping for bulbs!


Active Member
Fish list looking something like
2 Hectors Gobies or Rainsford Gobies
2 Na ke d Clowns
1 Carpenters Wrasse or 1 McCoskers Wrasse
3 Orange Lined Cardinals ..
And IDK what else


Active Member
pssh I wish lol. Its just sittin on top of my dresser lol.. Im not even worried about it. More than likely wont be set up til after the holidays...
We move in our apt next month so all the equipment I need will be a good xmas present lol!


Active Member
Welll after moving into our apt today (We havent moved the other 2 tanks yet..)
Figured out that it just wasnt gonna be enough space for the set up I was gonna use for the 40 gal tank. So I know I gotta sell all and try to see what I can get for it. All Equipment brand new! Sucks. Main display was a 40 breeder, 30 gal sump, 30 gal refugium. Tek lights, I drilled the glass, blah blah blah....
BUt now im gonna keep the 14 biocube and get anohter 14 biocube... And then sometime later get a custom made tank or something slick... Just no time soon