40 gal lineup


I 've inherited a friend's tank and fish. Anyone see potential problems?
2 Large Clarki's
2 small Chromis
1 Rusty Angel
80 lbs LR
130 Watts 50/50 PC
Two many? Could I add a watchman goby?


Active Member
Thats fine and yes I think you could add a watchman, they don't add much to your bioload. I would get a pistol shrimp with it also.


Active Member
What kind of filtration and does it have a protein skimmer, as well? You don't mentiona a cleanup crew, either? How old is the tank?
Dependant upon these particulars, you're probably okay to add the goby. Goby's are carnivores and will require meaty foods, such as thawed shrimp (mysis) and optimumly, your tank is old enough that it will have critters (amphipods/copepods) living in the LR that it can snack between feedings.


Yes it has a few snails and emerald, decorator and hermit crabs. The tank is established so I think it will have some snacks.