40 Gallon Lighting


I'm finally taking people's advice and looking into upgrading my tank to a 35-40 gallon tank. I will slowly set it up so it's not as financially bruising but I am now looking into some lighting.
I don't want to set up another tank where I'll have to upgrade anything next time I see another inhabitant I want in my tank...which my tank may not be suitable for. So my question is this...
Will a MH 250 Watt suffice for anemones and SPS (not hard corals)? Or will I need more than that? What other options do I have in terms of lighting. I want to have lighting for anemones but not too crazy like 5 MH or anything nuts like that where I'll have to buy a chiller and have a crazy evaporation rate.
I also see these DIY Metal Halide kits with ballasts...where do I buy the fixtures for these? My aquarium will be the sea-clear that doesn't have the fully-open top visible, just enough space for the lighting fixture...will those retrofit kits still be able to hang on those or do retrofit kits just go on top of those without a stand?
the DIY kits, do I need a cooling fan and such as well? I'm not much for DIY but I'm going to save money that way to be able to provide my upcoming new tank a better environment to fit my budget, I'm all for it so excuse me if I have so many lame questions. Thanks!!


Active Member
250w MH will be enough. Also, SPS corals are hard corals. A 150 watt double-ended bulb would have just as much light output as a 250 watt mogul (single-ended) bulb, so you can use that and save a bit on the electric bill. But the DE setups usually cost more.
The DIY parts are just the seperate parts to make your own MH setup. You can just buy the parts you need, put them in a reflector, and mount them just like a retrofit. Or you can buy the seperate parts to replace broken ones too.
Retrofit kits need to be mounted inside a canopy, with fans.


Thanks Viper...I never really knew lights could be expensive.
How about VHO lighting? Those are much cheaper--how many watts should I look into if I plan on keeping mushrooms, zoos and maybe a frogspawn...and/or anemone?