400w mh


hi i have a Ultralight light fixture w/ three 400w mh and two 60 in URI 60 Inch VHO Super Actinic Bulb. the mh are 20k and i think it is to blue so i only have one fluorescent bulb on. and only use the two end mh, also have moon lights across the back. any comments on anything to change and any suggestions on what corals do best under them. it is also a 200g tank and 24in deep. thank you.


It looks like you have enough blue from the atinic VHO's I would change the MH's to 10k - 14k
As for corals you can keep with your lights..... just about anything it just depends where you place the corals in the tank. Ie. low light demanding corals like Mushrooms on the bottom and High level light corals (Acropra) high up in the tank. be sure to aclimate the corals to your light starting low in the tank and work them up higher as required.

sign guy

Active Member
400w watt is great for a 24 inch tank. I assume its a 96 inch long tank? if so almost all corals would do great in your tank. like Scighera said it sounds like you have quite a lote of blue light. this will give your corals some great color but they will not grow as fast as if you had a 12000k bulb instead. its all personal preferance