40g Setup


Hi, guys. This is a set-up I'm considering for a peaceful, 40g FOWLR. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


2 Penguin Powerheads (600 gph total)
40g Acrylic Tank (SeaClear)
Heater(Jager, clueless about wattage)
74w White Actinic
Red Sea Marine Test
Instant Ocean 160g Salt Mix
Pro Clear Aqua 75g Wet Dry Filter
"Live" Sand(packaged stuff, hoping to seed with LR)
AquaClear Protein Skimmer (up to 100g)
ATC Refractometer

45 lbs. Live Rock("Pre-Cured" Fiji from another site)
2 Oscellaris Clowns
Yellow Watchman Goby
Auriga Butterflyfish
12 Scarlet Hermits
12 Blue-Leg Hermits
12 Nassarius Snails
12 Turbo Snails
1 Cleaner Shrimp


All right, thanks. Don't hold your breath, though. This isn't happening until spring or so, at the soonest. I'm gonna see some other opinions.


Active Member
Sounds like it will be nice.
I'd wait about six months though before adding the butterfly. They're quire sensitive and you'll want things to be very stable.
Good luck and share the pics!


Ah, knew I'd forgotten something. Thanks :joy:
I think I'd get a nice refractometer if I can find one under $50.


Oh...I'm not looking for a sensitive fish, really. I'm looking for a large fish that will look good, get along well with others, and be decently hardy.
What would fit this description?
Either that or I could add some other small fish...I don't want my tank looking empty :notsure:
Suggestions welcome :help:


Active Member
Tough to advise. Large fish need space and large fish add to bioload. Both not good for a relatively small tank.
To create movement consider fish that prefere the different levels of the tank. Some stay on the bottom, some stay in the middle and others prefer the top.
Once stable a nice fairy wrasse would give you movement and the larger ones can go 3 to 4 inches.


Active Member
Firefish are nice. In your tank, one is plenty. Some get along, others don't. You're not giving them much space. Not real positive on this one so a web search or perhaps other's experiences will help.


Thanks for the advice on heaters and fish :joy:
I think I'll wait a bit for some more answers...but firefish are pretty small, right? Only one would bring me to a grand total of around 12" of combined fish length with only four fish...wouldn't that look kind of spacious in a 40g?
Also, I considered putting in some Feather Dusters. Would these work under my current lighting? (75w VHO URI White Actinic only) which brings up another question...should this bulb fit into my SeaClear 40g Acrylic hood? It matches in length, but is there another factor I might consider?


Active Member
Feather dusters are filter feeders so they don't care about light. The feather is the feeding mechanism for the worm that inhabits the tube.
As for lighting, since your goal is fowlr the light is only for your enjoyment. The fish don't care. Go with what looks pleasing to you.


Active Member
I'm not familiar with a 75 normal flourescent bulb so I can't comment. The largest I've seen for normal flourescent for aquarium use is a 48" 40 watt. Is it a T5 bulb?


HO Actinic White Fluorescent Tubes
Enhances color of corals, live rock and related marine life. Bulbs are a 50/50 combination of triband and actinic phosphors. 12,000°K color temperature mixed with actinic radiation provides the realistic-looking and life-supporting system necessary for marine life. Easy to recognize blue end-caps. T-12 diameter.
^ product description, made by a company called URI. Below it has a chart that says a 24" is 75w.


Active Member
All I can add is that if you like the way they look then go for it. As previously stated, it won't matter to your fish. URI makes good stuff so it's hard to go wrong with them.
Good Luck!