45p of live rock ok for75g?


New Member
My tank has been running for three days now,and I am using 45p of tonga live rock.My ammonia level is at.25 and my nitrites are at .2 Do i need more rock or should I add the dead shrimp?


Active Member
If you want the full benefits of a "reef tank" as far as filtration and microscopic/macroscopic organisms you will need 1 to 2 pounds of live rock per gallon of water. Having under this amount will not actually hurt anything, it just cannot technically be refered to as a "reef tank."


New Member
I am really looking forward to doing reef.It seems like I need to order at least another 40p.thanks for the advice!


hey mudplayers,
so to clear it up.
I have a 90gal tank with 60 # of rock in it. The tank has finished cycle.
If I were to order another 60 # of cured rock online, and it takes 1 day to get to me. When I receive this rock, I will need to cure it again for another week?
Absolutely necessary?


Active Member
Having under this amount will not actually hurt anything, it just cannot technically be refered to as a "reef tank."
The definition is always a bit hazy but when did this become part of the definition of what is and isn't a reef tank? :notsure:
Most people do go with about 1 -2 lbs of LR per gallon when it is part of the primary biological filtration of the tank. However, just because they don't, doesn't mean they don't have a reef tank, IMO. I could be in trouble if that's part of the definition :)