46 Bow Reef Set up in DFW, Tx area


Active Member
Here is my live stock list:
Hi! I have a great reef set up for someone who is looking to set up a reef system.
Here's the deal...
60lbs of LR (w/ great pink & purple coraline & little frags all over)
30lbs LS
green, red, green centered and other assorted zoos
assorted mushrooms (some beautiful fuzzies),
leather finger,
leather toadstool,
button polyps,
pink pulsing xenias,
yellow polyps.
Orange Linckia & Brittle Star
Red Scarlet Hermits
Turbo & Nassarius snails
Feather Dusters
Sand sifting crabs
Cinnamon Clown
Bi Color Dotty
Bi Color Blenny
Coral Banded Shrimp
Queen and Fighting Conch's
Everything is for sale. Here are some pics on
Both zoo colonies are sold.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Joshd123
have a price on anything?
What do y'all want?
I'm not tyring to make a killing on any of this. I just need to get rid of it. But where are you located? Shipping is outrageous isn't it?
The button polyps and yellow polyps are not in the picture. I think I got them post pictures.
Send me an email fdford@hotmail.com. Let me know what you are interested in and how you want to get it (ship or pick up).