46 gallon FISH LIST


I have a 46 gallon FOWLR tank. 40lbs of LR and 40lbs of livesand.
I have a eight-line wrasse and tricolor anthias (redbelted anthias). What else could i put in the tank? Please give me you opinions. The wrasse is 2.5 inches and the anthias 3 inches. I want to get a dragon goby and some other fish please let me know. Thanks


I just put a Hawian spotted puffer and a lawnmower bleeny in mine and the blenny is the center of attaction.


I have a 46 gal bowfront with about the same amount of rock and sand as you. I currently have this list and everyone gets along fine (othe than the darn damsels). Water Paramaters always stay good with weekly to bi-weekly 5 gal waterchanges, a skimmer, and a HOB power filter.
1 Flametail Blenny
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Purple firefish
1 Yellowtail Damsel (pain in the butt, wish i could catch him to take to LFS)
1 Three stripe damsel (see above)
1 Skunk cleaner shrimp
1 Fire shrimp
2 Camelback Shrimp
1 Sexy anemone Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
1 Spiny Sea Urchin
1 Flower anemone
2 Brittle Stars
6 hermits
6 snails


Originally Posted by kamaqazi21
I have a 46 gallon FOWLR tank. 40lbs of LR and 40lbs of livesand.
I have a eight-line wrasse and tricolor anthias (redbelted anthias). What else could i put in the tank? Please give me you opinions. The wrasse is 2.5 inches and the anthias 3 inches. I want to get a dragon goby and some other fish please let me know. Thanks

What type of filtration do you have on the tank?
You're Wrasse seems fine, but most Anthias need at least a 55 full grown, so I'd be careful what more you add to your tank.
Percula Clowns would be okay, maybe a Blenny of some sort.
How long has the tank been going?


the tanks has been up for about 8 weeks now. I might trade in the anthias, since you guys think he will need a bigger tank. What other suggestions?