46 plans


ok hows this sound i made up my mind on my fish
1 1inch clown trigger
1 4inch fuzzy dwarf lion
2 2inch spotted puffers
maybe a 9 inch snowflake eel but probably not
then for clening
1 emporer 400
1 skilter 250
1 corallife turbo twist 9 watt uv steralizer
then i will go in and clean it up once or twice a month


Active Member
the trigger will outgrow your tank.
puffers and lions are not recomended, many people have been knownn to do both, but you are going to have to look at the behaviors of both fish before you buy and try.
clown triggers are especualy(i can NEVER spell that word right....) mean and may not do well with your smaller puffers or a docile lion.
and those are all way too many fish for a 46 gallon. you have to take into account that they grow too


Active Member
Didn't you just post this thread a few days back, and get the same feedback? :notsure: Maybe dejavu. What kind of spotted puffers are you suggesting? Not the "brackish" water one's? (little green spotted one's).


Only keep one puffer and you should be OK for maybe a year depending on how fast the clown tigger grows. Then you have to upgrade or trade in your trigger


those are very bad choices for a 46 gallon tank, not to mention the kinds of fish. obviously like everyone said above, the clown trigger needs a huge tank and a 46 does not cut it even if he is small. even if you had it in there for a little while you would be putting a lion with puffers and a trigger which both pick on lions and it doesn't matter that the lion is poisonous. back to the drawing board it is for you unless you like wasting your money.


that's def fine. i have both of mine in with a queen angel, fiji blue damsel, maroon clown, and cherub angel aka atlantic pygmy angel. i also have been lucky enough that they have not eaten either of my shrimps. i knew when i put them in there that there was a chance he would eat them but he hasn't and it's been a year.