48" 520 watt Orbit Extreme PC Lighting



Anybody know how well these lights would work over a 75 gal LPS & soft coral reef-in-training?


Active Member
Thats a sweet light. What are the bulbs? 4 130 watt pcs? I didnt know orbit made one with 4 130's.... I may have to purchase one :) What is the cost of it?
Oh and yes.. that would grow.... just about anything you'd want. Stuff that needs strong halides still may be out of your reach though... but like everything else is game on!


for a few extra bucks you can get the outer orbit system which inclues 2 150 watt hqi halides along with pc acitnics. then you can keep everything you want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jupoc911
for a few extra bucks you can get the outer orbit system which inclues 2 150 watt hqi halides along with pc acitnics. then you can keep everything you want.
I hate how much halide bulbs cost... and im against paying a billion dollars for a chiller :p So right now halide wouldnt work for me.. but pc's are fine.


very understandable. The system however runs very cool and mounts on top of your tank just like their other systems do. If your going to spend that money for that system you might as well spend it wisely and go with the outer orbit. You will get more bang for buck and I think you would be very happy.


I have a systen set up very simular with 2 150 w de halides and my tank may rise by half a degree during the day. I do have a open top and lots of movement though. Word to the wise keep you shrroms down low or in the shade though.


I had a friend using mh and went back to his pc do to heat issues. Even in his cool basement they just about gave his fish a sun burn :) He went back to his 6x96 watt pc. He is a bit restricted he sayes on hard corals. But unless you want to be married to your tank pc are the way to go on soft corals. That is what he told me and he has been goofing with saltwater tanks for the past 15 yrs or so. He runs a pretty tank for his wife 210g and a 250 for his football sized puffer and other gold fish munchers.
Most people will agree that mh lights are the best if you want to go to the extreme. My lfs guy does not run mh on anything but his hard coral display tank. And he has tons of different corals on in his 250g tanks. And you know money is no issues with store owners since they will not sell half sickly looking livestock. And he would make more off a 1100.00 set than the 750.00 pc he sold me. I have been to 4 different very large fish stores and they all told me NO need for mh unless you want to go with hard corals.
Mh will do damage to livestock that does not need alot of light. And if your tank if not very deep you could burn some things. One fish store showed me that very thing. When I told him that I would be upset if I buy pc and then want mh later.


Active Member
coralife just came out with 250 w HQI pc and lunar fixtures its also the carilife pro.
I love these lights and as soon as i can afford to im upgrading to the 250's


Nice to hear that others on this board are successfully lighting tanks with something other then MH's!
Reef keeping is not my whole life, it's just a hobby ... 1 of many, so forking out big bucks for high-wattage, high-heat MH's and then a chiller really doesn't make much sense to me for folks who have no intentions of keeping species which require them.
The best price I could find for the Orbit Extreme fixture was $487.99 + shipping. Not bad for 520 watts of light + moonlights - $.94 / watt.
Best deal I could find on the Outer Orbit with 2 x 150 MH + 2 x 130 PC + moonlights was $643.75 + shipping ($1.15 / watt).
Bulbs are all about the same cost so that's a wash.
I like the 6x96 watts of PC option. I had that on my radar screen a while ago but was a little hesitant since it's a retro. I did not have a hood and was just getting started in saltwater. Best deal I can find on a 6x96 retro is $299 ... 576 watts - $.52 / watt. I could go this route, including the cost of buying/building a hood for much less then the MH option.
Pro's / con's???
Is your friend happy with his setup?