48 Hour Safe Cycle Saltwater Kit


Let the tank cycle naturally. There are no quick fixes. It is natural and you need to let nature take its course. It is better to learn that now than later or at the cost of more fish.


Active Member
just use the shrimp , only no biozyme or any toher
PLEAS DO NOT BE IN A HURRY, IT WILL HAPPEN AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED, the wait is worth it in the long run


I had to do it the hard way, use products like cycle... etc. (or give up the critters in my 20 that were overcrowded).
Don't Do It! Although I did not lose a fish... the tank took MONTHS to cycle. The products that say they "cycle" generally only remove ammonia. The so-called "beneficial" bacteria dies off of starvation, whatever.
I think I've learned that new tanks need the ammonia and nitrite spike in order to grow beneficial bacteria that will live in the tank and keep your animals healthy. Using short-cut products (easy to do... sounds good) only DELAY'S the tanks natural cycle.
Moment of silence for your poor dead damsels. Dead shrimp sound good to me. Maybe just leave one of the dead damsels in there for a day or two. ? Sharks?

richard rendos

Active Member
Why a moment of silence for the damsels but not the dead shrimp? Are the damsels' lives more important than the shrimp? I don't think so.


Active Member
how about the diference is between food, and a new member of our family
the shrimp is already dead and planned for food somewhere, teh damsels are up for adoption(big difference IMO), plus the shrimp are killed humanely and not put in toxic containers for weeks
I cycled my 55gal with 2 damsels and some snails and dwarf hermits.It took exactly 29 days and the only thing I added was Stress Zyme.It can be done without losing any live stock.Im by all means no expert. This is my first experience with SW. Just my 2 cents. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


yeah, I bought some krill to feed the starfish and it was creepy looking at my "live" pets in the tank and the dead krill eyes.
Wasn't feeling holier than now re: damsels (I did it too, but they didn't die)... maybe a moment of silence for all suffering animals. What the heck.
good luck


I'm on day 14 of cycling a new 55gal tank. For the first week, I used shrimp pellets, and on day 8 I added a damsel.
My damsel looks very happy. He eats plenty, follows me around when I walk past the tank etc. He also has alot of fun with the 4 small hermits I put in there. He absolutely will not let them on the rock. As soon as they start climbing, he goes over and nudges them (he doesn't pick at them) until they fall back to the substrate. It is very amusing (I'm sure the hermits don't think so).
Anyway,my point is that I don't think my one damsel (named Wynn) is suffering. She seems very happy.