48" Lighting - Suggestions?


I have a Current 48" Dual Satellite 4x65W SunPaq.
I love the light output, I hate everything else.
The noise of its single cooling fan is annoying, but the fact in the 2 years I've had it I've twice come home to a terrible smell of a ballast burnt out. I replaced both ballasts and now the first one I replaced is acting up - not burnt out, but it only comes on every other day for some reason. I've even taken it apart and tested the leads - the ballast is getting power, but not working for some reason. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. well, it doesn't matter. I've had enough.
Any suggestions for a replacement? I have a glass top without a canopy so I obviously prefer the type of light that sits on top of the cover (as opposed to hanging from the ceiling or bridged above). I think CF is the way to go, plus if I get a similar one I can reuse the bulbs from the old one.
I'm considering the Coralife Lunar Aqualife (23653406). It appears to have the same bulbs (4 x 65W bulbs, ~22in long). It also has 4 lunar lights, which is nice since due to my Megaflow overflow one of the 2 LED lights on my current Current light shines directly into the overflow. Any experience with this fixture, or another suggestion?
Again, we're talking 48" glass top tank. Thanks!


Active Member
I use the 36" version of the coralife and have had good luck with it. Mine is 1.5 years old and I've never had a problem yet. However unless you're dead set on CF I would look at T5, specifically the Nova Extreme Pro, not too much more $ but a lot more light, JMO.


Does that have to be mounted hovering above the glass? (wouldn't that just reflect half the light into the room?) Also, I'm not familiar with the VHO lighting (I thought that was halide).. would it be quiet? Energy efficient? Hot?


This Nova Extreme Pro T5 seems to be a popular light. However, I noticed most people have it installed with no glass cover on their tank. The NEP mounts several inches above the tank. Is this neccesary, or can it sit on the glass? Would it cause the light to all reflect off the cover if I mounted it as shown 4" above the cover?
I definitely like my cover - less evaporation, no livestock suicides, nothing getting dropped into the tank, etc. My old 4x65W Current light did a great job with lighting sitting almost directly on the cover (4 little rubber feet maintained a 1/2 inch gap).
My other option I am considering is the Coralife 4x65W - basically the same thing as the current light but by a different manufacturer and with 4 LEDs instead of 2.
Anyone with any experience with either - please chime in! Thanks!


Active Member
If you dont like the fan noise and want to keep the glass covers grab a 4 lamp Tek T5 fixture. No fan, better output and better lamps available. You could set the fixture right on top of the glass but I would elevate it a couple inches with whatever (could be set on strips of wood etc.) to tone down the intensity a little.


Originally Posted by reefraff
If you dont like the fan noise and want to keep the glass covers grab a 4 lamp Tek T5 fixture. No fan, better output and better lamps available. You could set the fixture right on top of the glass but I would elevate it a couple inches with whatever (could be set on strips of wood etc.) to tone down the intensity a little.
Wh y would you want to decrese the intensity - isn't the objective to put as much light as possible into the tank?
Also, do you have to pick your mix of actnic and daylight bulbs just like with the CFs?


yes you still have the options as with CF lights on K rating and bulb makers.
they can also be set right on top the tank lip as most are mounted or set on glass shelves that hold them right at the rim of the tank.
as far as going down that isnt the case I rate the t-5s right under halides as far as strenght.
no flourescents
compact flourescents and power compacts
VHO lighting
T-5 lighting HO or above
Metal halides


No, I didn't mean VHO was a step down, I was referring to the suggestion to elevate the fixture to reduce intensity - why would you want to reduce intensity?