4'x8'x6" tank


I have a chance to go to a class whitch makes crab tanks and this is the size they will be making, can I use this for rays? That would be AWSOME if I could make it so I can put it above the heads of people entering the basement. How tall would the tank need to be to have rays? Thanks, john


Hmmmm 6" minus about 1-2" for the sandbed that rays like to burry themselves in(and the fact that the water line wont go to the very top) would make only 4" or so of height which is too small, even if rays are sorta flat. Perspnally I'd go for more like 18" along with the current length and depth. I put a tape measurer up to my tank and watched mine swim by and it would be a pretty tight fit. It would be restricted to swimming alone the sandbed only while mine stays 2 or 3" above it usually.


do you think 12 would be good (actuall water height from sand to top of water level)? I know you said 18, but you do mean wih the sand bed and the water from the top, right? thanks! John


12" of usable space would be much better than 4 or 5". When I said 18" I ment from the bottom of the tank to the top of the tank. I think AC's ray tank is 18" high as well.
I've always been facinated by rays. I'd love to have some at some point (When I have a clue about what I'm doing! :) )
Jim, do you have any pics of your rays?


Jim27: I didn't even know you had a blue spot... guess I need to log on more often:D
How long have you had it? Any luck getting it to eat? Overall, hows it going?


Active Member
Jim that is GORGEOUS! How long have you had him? I'd love to get a pair of yellow rays and an epaulette, or vice versa some day. Bo


I'd be surprised if anyone knew actually. This is the first pic I've posted of it.
Normally I wouldn't have bought it but the lfs let me watch it eat and I also just hooked up the Myreef Creations MR-3 skimmer I bought for when I upgrade to a 240+ so I thought I'd give it a try.
Got it just over a month ago and so far things have been great with it. Showed interest in food from day one and began eating well by day 3. Whenever I go up to the tank it'll swim to the top expecting me to feed it. The only problem I've had was the whiespotted bamboo bit it once during feeding(surprise surprise). Ever since the ray takes the food and dashes away. I'm really surprised things have been going so well with it since blue spots are known to never eat. I hope my luck will continue. :D


Glad to hear things are going well for you Jim:) I have yet to keep a ray, but if there is one I'd like to keep, it's a blue spot. We will all be eagerly anticipating reports from you regarding your success!!


outa curriosity....could you just build a very shallow tank like 18 inches (as said before) and put sharks and rays in there? (ofcoarse keeping the correct lines of compatability and not overstocking.......)
Rays don't need any special kind of lighting, do they? I'm guessing, that as long as you can see them there's enough light... :)
How hardy are they?
I'm sure they're messy eaters so keeping the water clean is probably a challenge.


Yes that would be fine. Like I said earlier AC's tank is 18" high and I think has an epaulette and some yellow rays in there.
No special lighting requirments. The kind of ray I have is very hard to keep which is why I'm surprised its been doing so well so far. They usually never accept food and slowly starve. Yellow rays on the other hand are a great choice. Very hardy animals.
Thanks for the comments novice and bo. :D


That is a great looking ray:D how big is her disk? can someone direct me to a hosting site so that I can post a pic?


I guess I should chime in here. I have rays and an epaullette in a custom tank it's 84 X 30 X 18. The size works very well for small rays such as yellows or blue spots. The main thing you want is alot of swimming area. Jim I'm glad to hear your blue spot is doing so well. Unfortunately I think your the exception and not the rule. Keep us posted on how it does.


Thank you. To post pics just go down to where it says "attach file" when you're posting a reply and click "browse" and select the picture from your computer.
My ray is about a 7 inch or so disc.
Awesome rays. Whats the darker one on the right in the first pic? I agree about my blue spot, I think I got lucky. I'd only recommend them to someone who has experience keeping sharks or rays thats prepared to lose around $60-$90. So far it acts just like my old yellow ray did, except this one has yet to burry itself.


That's a little bit of a mystery. I've seen them called common pacific rays, carribean spotted rays, and cortez rays. So I'm not exactly sure. Unfortunately this is the ray that was killed by my Port Jackson shark a few days ago. There's a post about the incident. The fact that your blue spot doesn't bury itself to me is a good sign it feels very safe in its environment. Keep up the good work.


Trying to add a pic. you guys might get a kick out of this one. Sorry it's a little OT.