I'm wanting to set up a 5 1/2 gallon (all-glass aquarium) for my dorm room and just want to go through everything and make sure I'm doing everything right. I've had a 37g reef running since January and the hobby is so addictive, I don't think I could live without some sort of fish tank in my dorm. So anyways, the 5 1/2 is 16x8x10" and my lfs does have a glass top that fits it. The tank has a deal where you can get the tank, hood, digital thermometer, heater, whisper filter and 10 lbs of gravel for $45. What I'm thinking is trade the whisper and gravel for a Millenium 1000. I'm thinking it would probably be enough waterflow so I wouldn't need a powerhead. Also 15 pounds of live sand, maybe more, and 10 pounds live rock to start to see how that looks. The problem is lighting. I've found 2 12" PC light fixtures but I can't find any prices online so I'm not sure how much either would be. For stocking the tank, I'm not sure how many inverts would be good and I think only one small fish would work in that size like a goby. I doubt two would work but this is where your suggestions come in. Also if I have enough wattage I'd like to keep some sort of corals if at all possible. Help me out so I can keep the addiction while I'm in my dorm.