5.5 gallon pico journal!!!



YAY!!! Got the pico Nano started today, took 5 gallons out of display reef tank. Got a 2.5 lb piece of live rock that i dug through a huge tub for, its got TONS of holes and little spaces, so i think its the best piece for the tank.
It has a whisper hang on filter rated for 10 gallons. 2x 13 watt compact flourescent lights. (the air pump is not for this tank). And a stealth heater.
I have another beautiful coraline covered piece of LR thats going in when i know that i will for sure not get a cycle.
I have 13 types of zoos and 5 rics that i got from a recent trade that will go into this little beauty.
More interesting pics to come later, i promise!!!
I am wanting to get a hi fin red banded goby/pistol shrimp pair for this tank, but still considering it.
Also wanting 3 sexy shrimp, a few hermits, 2 cerith, 4 nassarius snails.
Over the next few days i will be adding frags when i know that this tank will not cycle. Enjoy!



I am guessing about half a gallon every 4 days, i dont want to do a 20% change once a week, because im worried that in such a small tank, a small difference in SG, temp, could be devastating. But i will constantly check levels, and kind of put together a schedule once i see what the levels do!


Thanks!!! wait until its full of zoo frags, and ricordeas! Im still waiting to see if im going to get a cycle out of the new live rock. It was already cured, just being careful!


Awesome! I hope you get the goby and shrimp, they're so cute.


Its been 2 and half days, and no ammonia from the new LR, It was alreay precured, and didnt have any noticable dead tissue on it. So im going to ad some more LR tomorrow, and try to get a nice mini aquascape in it.
Do yall think the hi fin banded goby and pistol shrimp pair would be ok in this tank. I know they are super small fish.

Pics to come.


Will do!! Ill add a few more lbs of live sand tonight. thanks for the input. By the way, the rics and zoos are amazing!!! The zoos are going in this tank


Heres a few pics of the frags i added, and i got a new rock in there. I couldnt get any good pics of the rics, but will try and get some up soon.



one more.
I have some LR curing, and i will add another small piece soon.


Theres also a baby red serpent star that come on the LR that i have been trying to get a good sight of him for a week!!! Its like he knows i want to see him, he only puts the ends of his little feet out of the rock, and when i walk in front of the tank, he darts into the rock.
I get really excited about little stuff like that.


welcome to the board!! Their 13 watt compact flourescents. They each have an actinic, and white bulb. So 26 watts over it.
It should take a few days to notic a cycle in a new tank. Use a raw shrimp from the grocery store to cycle the tank, not fish!!!!! I didnt get a cycle though because i used water from my reef tank.


Both the 75 and 60 together? i think that would be WAY too much light, you would fry the softies and the evaporation would be crazy, which would make it hard to keep stable paramaters.
Are the lights t-5's or are they compact flourescent?
the 60 watt alone would be plenty of light for softies and lps. Do you have a pic of the set up?


I added a yellow clown goby today, decided against the hi fin red banded/pistol pair, i thought the tank would be too small for them.
I found an adorable yellow clown goby at the LFS, and ended up getting it for free.

hes about .75 in long. i will get a pic tomorrow of him. Also looking for some sexy shrimp to add, and wanting a pom pom crab, they had some at the LFS, they are SO pretty! a little expensive i think though 18 bucks.
Going to be adding a small fuge this next week, im just using a hang on filter rated for 20 gallons, taking out all the filter media, and stuffing it with chaeto.Also researching on a small diy skimmer, dont know if it would work, but thinking it might work


Active Member
Lookin' good, alex!

I would turn the heater diagonal along the back though; I have always heard it distributes heat better, and it looks like it is touching the substrate?


It is about .5 in above the substrate, but i will turn it diagnol, makes sense that it would distribute the heat better, will do it in the morning. Thanks for the advice! and the compliment