5.5 galon help with lights


Hi, I have a 29galon and i am setting up another 5.5 reef aquarium on another room of the house.
I was wondering if anybody knows what lights will be good to keep some softies ? I was looking for power compacts.
The measurements of the tank is 16" long and 8.5" wide
thanks in advance


I have a 18w PC on my 5.5g I use as a Fug (2x9w)
Now.. You can fit (3) of these lights on your 5.5g (just checked, i'm sure there is room if you use them sideways)
That would give you 54w on a 5.5g tank, quite impressive imo.
(oh yeah, the light is made by coralife. It was $30 at a online store Dr.)


well, I bought an odyssea 24w fixture for very cheap. Around 40 dollars
Lets see how it does with softies.