5 Cents Per Email!!!!!


Active Member
Ok, I can not believe this!!! Check it: This wonderful government just passed a law saying that each email that YOU send will cost you 5 cents. I know that's not a lot, but I'm sending off anywhere from 20 to 100 emails a day. This just SUCKS! Has anybody else heard this? I don't know when it will start happening, but it makes me wanna smack somebody!!!


I don't believe it. It wouldn't cost fortunes. Besides the US government has no control over the internet-it doesn't belong to them. I'm sure they would like try to regulate it .


HAHA!! fishkiller fell for a hoax

now watch out for who you're dating....you may wake up kidneyless in a tub full of ice!


Active Member

Originally posted by fishkiller
Ok, I can not believe this!!! Check it: This wonderful government just passed a law saying that each email that YOU send will cost you 5 cents. I know that's not a lot, but I'm sending off anywhere from 20 to 100 emails a day. This just SUCKS! Has anybody else heard this? I don't know when it will start happening, but it makes me wanna smack somebody!!!



now watch out for who you're dating....you may wake up kidneyless in a tub full of ice!

Not to worry fishkiller, I'm freakin' gullable too.


There is some truth to this. There is talk about adding a cost to email in efforts to prevent smam. Another solution is that a small problem would have to be solved before your email is sent. Example, 2+2 = ?, unitl you answer 4 your email will not go. I am not sure but I think I read this about 2 weeks ago on USAtoday.com, and bill gates is suportive of it.
I don't think it will ever gell together.


Active Member
i personall think the government should leav the internet alone. . you should be able to dl music without going to jail or paying for it