5 DEAD Chromis


Active Member
Not sure whats going on... I bought 7 green/blue Chromis on 9/29...the guy miscounted ..and I got 8 of them.. put them in my 45 gallon QT for observation.... Next day 2 dead...down to 6. a few days later down to 4...today down to 3..... Levels are fine in the QT...I even had them double checked at the LFS. I even did a water change today just in case...snails and hermits are fine also.


in ur qt do u have a heater running?
what are your temps? day//night
i bought 5 at once at my lfs a few months ago and all are doing great. ive heard looots of people say their hardy. I can't really think of any other reason. Some people also say its good to buy them in odd numbers and different sizes of possible so therefore less fighting that can cause stress and death?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
in ur qt do u have a heater running?
what are your temps? day//night
i bought 5 at once at my lfs a few months ago and all are doing great. ive heard looots of people say their hardy. I can't really think of any other reason. Some people also say its good to buy them in odd numbers and different sizes of possible so therefore less fighting that can cause stress and death?
Temp is not an issue... constant 79-80. I have QTd many things in this set-up and never had a problem like this.


Originally Posted by ifirefight
Not sure whats going on... I bought 7 green/blue Chromis on 9/29...the guy miscounted ..and I got 8 of them.. put them in my 45 gallon QT for observation.... Next day 2 dead...down to 6. a few days later down to 4...today down to 3..... Levels are fine in the QT...I even had them double checked at the LFS. I even did a water change today just in case...snails and hermits are fine also.

I had this same problem with my Chromis. I ended up dropping the remaining ones off at the LFS and bought a naso tang.... naso is doing just fine in the same tank that the chromis were dying in. Not sure what the deal was. Someone suggested that they may have been killing eachother...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hocky
Someone suggested that they may have been killing eachother...
I have heard the same thing.... Funny you mention the NASO... Im thinking about that for my next fish.

greg j

New Member
Originally Posted by BTB9000
Yes, chromis will slowly pick each other off, until their down to one. Survival of the Fitest.

I had 7 chromis that lived together perfectly well for several years, and are just now starting to die of old age (they are all between 2.5 and 4 inches now, unbelievably huge damsels, one of the remaining 3 doesn't seem to be able to see well anymore). They even schooled together.


Active Member
i think some of the loses take place because chromis are relativly cheap so they are not maintained in as good of conditions as a $30+ fish by suppliers and pet shops


They're also pretty dumb, i lost a couple because they got in the flow of a powerhead that i had blowing on a rock and they took a quick ride right into the rock, wasn't pretty.


Did you notice any aggression? They will certainly pick each other off but not that quickly. In a school of six or more one will be the "leader". Did you notice any damage to the fish or any signs of disease? Have you been back to the store to see how the rest of the stock are doing?


I have 2 Chromis ,along with a Clown,Blue Hippo Tank and a purple pseudochromis.
They have been together several months now,and so far no agression. Although the purple dude will chase the Chromis at times.
I then bought 2 more to put in a QT tank so as to keep the tank cycled.1 Looked bad,so I returned it for another,about a week after I got it.
I then got a purplefirefish and put it in QT. The next day,the Chromis I had exchanged was dead.
A few days later my neighbor returned a couple of crabs he had been keeping for me.
The next day after the crabs arrived,I came home and found the other Chromis in it's grip,and knawing away at it.
Now the only thing in QT is the firefish,and it's been in hiding ever since the dramatic event