5 gal nano for seahorse?


Hey guys. I have a 5 gal tall tank that I would like to set up as a nano for a seahorse or two at work. I plan on putting in a 3 or 4 inch deep sandbed seeded w/live sand from my 75 gal at home. I also plan on adding a small amount of live rock from my home tank and even thought of using the water out of my home tank. Besides seahorses, I plan on using the tank to grow calupra to feed my fish in my main tank at home. Does this sound like a good way to set up the 5 gal? If so, does it still need to cycle? My tank at home has been up a year w/no problems. How many seahorses can I keep in a 5 gal? (I would like two) Along w/ some snails and hermits. Any suggestions would be greatly appreicated!
for a 5 gallon nano the only species you can keep are the dwarfs, you also need to have perfect water conditions, so before you add anything you must check for that, and IMO id be careful about the caleurpa if it overgrows in your tanks and stresses the seahorses.


Active Member
Was just speaking with a seahorse guru and he told me drawfs would thrive in a 5 gallon nano. I'd think some caulerpa would help and just harvest it regularly. If you use all replacement water you will still have a mini-cycle so check on that. Lastly - get captive bred seahorses. I'd check out www.seahorse.org