5 gal. tank

mom's bowl

New Member
I am new to saltwater so I wanted to start out small. I purchased a 5 gal tank with live sand and started with cured rock. I was told by the saltwater retail store to wait for a couple of days and add soft corals such as mushrooms and polyps. One week later I added a clown fish and everything was going great. I tested the water everyday and the nitrites and ammonia levels were zero. Everything was fine until 2 days ago. Nitrites and ammonia levels were slighty elevated and the mushrooms stopped opening up. The polyps remained closed and then when light went on a hour later they were opened up. The clownfish died this morning. I have changed 50% of the water and now everything looks like it is stressed out. The polyps are slightly opened and the featherduster has extended itself out of the holder (I guess that is what it is called). The mushrooms are really small and have not bloomed like they were. I need help! If I can't make a 5 gal. work then there is no need to go bigger. :needhelp:


Active Member
Well first off you have it backwords. In saltwater the params are so easily thrown off bigger is better. Get the biggest tank you can afford! Secondly I would go back to the LFS and smack up side the head because he lied to you took your money and then your stuff is most likely gonna die so you will buy more stuff. You stock saltwater tanks very very very! slow. You have to cycle the tank creating bacteria to eat the waste left over by fish and stuff. No fish IMO can live in a 5 gallon tank there is just no room "no Saltwater fish anyway".
So there is a case of stocking the tank to fast, stocking the tank with to mutch, stocking the tank without cycling and stocking the tank with things that need a bigger tank! Also the 50% water change will cause alot of problems! It dont seem like mutch but ppl only do 10% water changes "once" a week. So that is your problem before starting again get a bigger tank and ask ?'s here before buying anything!

mom's bowl

New Member
I thought it was small but they kept telling me it was ok. After spending $233.00 there and then returning and spending another $100.00 they told me it would work because they have done it themselves. OKAY so do I go back to the drawing board and get a bigger tank???? Put what is left in the tank or chuck it up to being really stupid? One more thing, they had me purchase live sand that has already been cycled. It that true or did I waste my money??? :confused:


Originally Posted by Snipe
Well first off you have it backwords. In saltwater the params are so easily thrown off bigger is better. Get the biggest tank you can afford!
I agree with this get the biggest tank you can afford keeping in mind all the equipment! THe bigger it is actually the easier it will be to maintain.


Active Member
"Pre" cycled anything is just something that has been setting in a tank long enough anything that is dead has rotted away. It is alright to use. I would go up to a 45 or 55 gallon tank or bigger if I could. Take whatever is left "sand,live rock, anything that was in there" and get it into the big tank. Though if it is living stuff I would take it back to the store and get your money back. Once you get the big tank get all the equipment you need. Skimmer, Filter, Lights, More Sand, More Live Rock, Powerheads "2 or 3", Test kits for lots of stuff "a master kit would be best", Cleaning things as a scruber and magnet, Salt to mix the salt with", Heater Lots of stuff to buy before starting a tank. After you have all the equip "minus the sand and rock" mix the water and then place in the tank Get the heat up to around 80 make sure all your stuff is turned off except the heater and then add the sand and then the rock. Now get some "dead uncooked unseasond" cocktail shrimp "around 3 or 4" drop them in the tank and let them rot. Test the water for the cycle to start. when the params Amonia read 0 Nitrites read 0 and nitrates are 20 or lower do a 10% water change and wait a week or so then buy your cleanup crew. Make sure everything is working out then a week or so after get your first fish and keep going. Only buy stuff in 2 week incriments "could be a week but 2 weeks is better".