5 gallon AGA w/ pics


Here are some pics of my tank :) Hope you enjoy them.
Top is the whole tank you can see the royal gramma in the main tunnel, next is a good macro shot of my two Green star polyps, 3rd is my single mushroom polyp and last is a picture of the GSP and the mushroom with flash.
If anyone can give me an idea of what kind of mushroom that is I'd appreciate that too :)



Originally Posted by nissan577
looks really amazing! how come you dont get more corals????
The tank is only about a month old, this if my first dive into properly doing a saltwater reef and I dont want to jump too far too fast. I found some palys and zoanthids I like at my LFS. I think eventually after those I'm looking at a Kenya tree or Xenia. I've only got a 20W 50/50 coralife bulb so I cant do too much.


Originally Posted by nissan577
you can do alot.
you can buy some LPS and add some nice acans and such.
Thats interesting, my LFS said mushrooms are it, he gave me the GSP to "test" and if they spread at all then he said I have enough light to get some leathers but "no way" on stony's.