5 gallon nano


Hey i have recently set up a 5 gallon nano it has 25 watts of light half actnic half 10k lights and it has a water fall filter rated for a 55 gallon tank it also has a heater to keep it at a constent tempature of 76 degrees it has 10 pounds of live rock and is on the edge of finishing its cycle, now my question is for u to look over my list of live stock and tell me wat u think of wat i should add and or take away
10 turbo snails
20 nassaruis snails
5 bumbell bee snails
1 sally light foot crab
2 electric blue hermit crabs
2 cleaner shrimp
1 sixline warsse
1 orange strip pawn goby
a few polyps
a few ricordias
a few mushrooms
1 trumpet coral
1 frogspawn
2 bains not sure wat type though


no wrasse for sure, no fish at all I would assume, but this is just my experience. As for the others I'm not quite sure


WOW! thats a lot of stuff for such a small amount of space...
i would seriously think about taking the frogspawn coral out of the list, they will over run the tank and kill just about all your other corals, along with stinging the fish.


I agree that thats alot for 5 gallons, and dont put the frogspawn in there it well kill the other corals that happened in my tank. I would think you would only need like maybe at the max 10 hermits and 10 snails and i dont think you need any shrimp. As for the fish i dont think that the wrasse would be a problem.


that is a huge bio-load for a 5g tank I made a few mods to your list....
4 turbo snails
5 nassaruis snails
2 bumbell bee snails
1 electric blue hermit crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
1 clown goby or 2 neon goby
a few polyps
a few ricordias
a few mushrooms
1 trumpet coral
2 bains not sure wat type though
your clean up crew was pretty large for a 5 gal
and IMO you shouldent put any fish other than a neon goby in a 5 gal


how does this sound take out the fish and make it an invert only tank how many shrimp could i have and wat types and mabe a crab


Active Member
Hey, what about some Sexy Shrimp. I just bought one today for my 5 gal and they are the most awesome things going. Just love how they wiggle in the tank. I only bought one as hubby said at $9.99 CDN each you only get one.
I think they do better in pairs but have talked to many people whom just have one and it is fine.