5 gallon question


New Member
I was thinking of turning my 5 gal freshwater into a small nano with like 12 lbs of lr and 10 lbs of ls. I was wondering if this would be a good livestock selection
1. shrimp(suggestions for the best 1 to put in a 5 gallon)
5. scarlet hermits
1. cleaner clam
1. feather duster
and either a few snails or an urchin.
also do they make bulbs that can fit a 5 gallon hood so that i would be able to add corals?


Active Member
Thet do make 'lil 10 watt PC bulbs and you could put two over your 5 and you could get low light corals.(like 'shrooms) You'd have to make a custom hood though. I also think they sell clip on lights that could work. Personaly, if it was my tank, I'd have a garden of Rics and a group of like 6 sexy anemone shrimp, ( They live on/near anemones and Rics are essentialy anemones)
And if you get an urchin make sure it's a small kind.