5 gallon reef?


I am starting a 70 gallon reef and I have 2 damsel fish which I want to move to smaller tanks. What would be the equitment I would need to start a 5 gallon nano for a yellow tailed damsel. Also how much would this cost? I have a spare 18 watt PC which I would like to use for this tank what can I keep under this?


The damsels will need something bigger than 5 gallons. I'd look into something like a 10 gallon at least. The tank will cost you about $9 at any of the big chain retailers.
Add in live rock and a cheap powerhead along with your lights and you'll be set for a little reef capable of handling most of the easy to maintain soft corals. I've got xenias, green star polyps, and a variety of riccordias growing under an 18 watt PC light. Some of the bright colors have toned down in the weaker lighting, but they still appear to be healthy and I am getting some moderate growth.


Live rock acts as a biological filtration media. As long as the water is flowing over the rock a separate filter isn't a requirement and can be a source of nitrates in some cases. A cheap hang on back power filter can be a nice addition if you mod it into a mini fuge, but you'll be fine without one.