5 gallon stocking questions


Okay, I probably should have done this BEFORE buying stuff and having stuff not make it, but can anyone give me some pointers on what I can have in a 5 gallon AGA.
The tank is about 2 or 3 months old, all the parameters have settled a few weeks ago. I have about 6 pounds of live rock in the display and 5 pounds of rubble and some chaeto in a fuge running at about 50 gph. I also have an 80 gph HOB filter, but i took the cartridge out and only have the "bio media" mesh in it right now.
Stock list:
2 Yellow tail blue damsels about 1 inch (1 definitely deceased as of this posting, cant find the other either, so will update in the morning, they were both happy/healthy this morning).
1 Royal Gramma (1-1/2 inch)
1 Blue leg hermit
1 Scarlet hermit
1 peppermint shrimp
1 certh snail
10 nas snails
5-10 periwinkle snails
1 mushroom
1 small frag of star polyps, about 8 actual polyps.
Water is fine, i think the loss of the fish was a territory issue or a hunger issue.
Anyway, the stocklist minus the YTBD's is that okay for a 5 gallon (basically a royal gramma and CUC)? Should I trade the RG at the LFS for something else? I'm at a loss but don't want to have any more fish not survive under my watch, i hate that :(


The CUC seems a bit large to me, but if its working out why not...
My CUC in my 5 gallon is
1 jade hermit
2 scarlet (should be one)
2 nas
1 cerith (i think he's gone... lol)
1 other hermit I got from a local beach, does great at cleaning poop...
As for livestock... I like the idea of a small goby and a shirmp... The green clown goby...


I found I do still have 2 fish, the YTBD and the RG. I have intentions on getting a new tank sometime after christmas, I've got room for 2 more in the house and depending on what is available inexpensive on the list pages I'll either be getting something large to fit in my 6 ft x 2 ft area (like a 125 or 180, or if available and i can convince other members of the house that we dont need a curio cabinet i might be able to go over 200 gallons). The other area is 3ftx18 inches, I can fit a 55 gallon but due to the awkward shape of the area anything over 18 inches deep needs to be 3 feet instead of 4 feet. Either way this stuff is going into the new tank when I can, and the 5 gallon is probably going to get redressed for either a shimp/goby pair or dwarf seahorses, havent picked yet.
For the CUC i couldn't resist the peppermint shrimp gyrating at the LFS, and the snails i got a deal on the bay site and got 30 snails (plus extras) for $7 including shipping, i traded about half of them to the LFS for my microsized star polyps.