5 gallon


Active Member
Is it possiable to keep a 5 gallon? What fish would be fine? Would a whisper 10 be ok as filtration?


Active Member
I have a heater and A light for it its a compact bulb. 50/50. I would really love to have a small tank like this.


It is possible to keep a 5-gallon tank going.
However, this size falls under the "pico" reef category, and they are extremely difficult to keep.
Really, a 5-gallon is more of a flowerpot. Get flowers.


Active Member
Im not going to make it a reef tho. I would put s pounds of sand. 5 pounds of live rock and a fish. Im trying to figure out what fish tho. Would this be hard?


If you are desperate to do this, you might be able to squeeze a 2'' goby in there.
But for a less cruel option, you could instead make a tank for invertebrates such as dwarf hermits, snails, zoanthid polyps, and the like.


Active Member
yellow watchman or a clown goby...thats about all of your options...but you vcould set up a 32 w PC fixture and keep pretty much anything


Active Member
I think im going to go with 5-6 pounds of live rock a yellow watchman goby. What do i need to keep these guys. Are they hard to take care of?


Make sure that it is eating. Watchman gobies have a tendency to starve in the land of plenty.
Also, these animals require a reef environment and are happier with their natural symbionts, pistol shrimp.
Tanks as small as 5 gallons are for experts only. I repeat; EXPERTS ONLY
Chances are, if you are asking if you can keep things in them, then you are not ready for it.
Get a bigger tank; it will save you and your livestock a lot of suffering.


Active Member
If you are exremely set in a 5G pico you should go with a clown goby not a YW goby they will get 2 big imo. Or you could do a harlequin shrimp tank, That would be really cool


Active Member

Originally Posted by Spitfire
Remember, experts only

I'm speaking for the fish here, not for my self! :happyfish
I disagree you don't have to be an expert. Just make sure water quality stays good by not overfeeding or getting fish that are to big. Just do 1-2 Gallon water changes once a week and get a fusion protein skimmer that are made for the aquapods. Good Luck



Please, don't listen to him! Save that little tank for a sump, or better yet, a betta!
C'mon, everybody likes bettas