5 gallon


New Member
Is it at all possible to start a 5 gallon saltwater? Maybe 1 or 2 fish in it? Any info would help me out alot!! :) Thanks


Active Member

While there are people who keep very small tanks with success, they are generally not for a beginner. With the small water volume, it is very difficult to maintain proper water conditions and there is no room for error. I do not believe there is a saltwater fish small enough to do well in only 5g. The bio-load that a fish produces could definately foul a 5g very quickly. Tanks this size are usually set up for inverts only.
For a beginner with a new tank, I recommend you start no smaller than 29g (preferably over 50g). Your chances of success would be much greater, and you'd have a much wider selection of fish you could keep.


Active Member
My first tank was a 5 gallon .... long ago .... once I got back into it I started with teh 5 gallon again. It was cool - but too much maintenance and huge pain in the arse!!
I'd suggest at least a 20 gallon and nothing smaller! Bigger tanks are easier and more forgiving to mistakes!!
Welcome and good luck!