5' Light fixture on a 6' tank


Not sure which board to post this on...
Anyone have any input on putting a 60" fixture on a 72" tank? Does anyone have a similar arrangement? I like the simplicity of a complete, preassembled fixture (3 250 HQI MH and 2 VHO) but I also want to have a pseudo canopy (kind of like a top of the tank to the ceiling cabinet). A 72" fixture would be too long since the fans are typically on the ends and the canopy wouldn't allow the heat to dissipate. Also, I don't anticipate having corals near the sides of the tank so there's no sense in lighting the sand...right?
Any ideas?


Active Member
if you realy arent goign to have anything to the side, then there shouldnt be a problem. however, i think once you start buying corals you are goign to want to fill up the entire thing and put them on the extra foot on each side that your halides wont reach. in my experience, a lot of fixtures dont give extra room on the sides, some do however, you will just have to look at that. you can also buy a retrofit kit and do it yourself for the way that you want to.


Active Member
a 5' fixture with 3 HQI MH will easily light 6' of tank. Light doesn't just shoot straight down, it disperses. The higher up it is the wider the light pattern will be. think of a flashlight or headlights. Your only talking about 6" on each side, thats nothing.


Active Member
hmmm.... maybe i misunderstood this..... i thought he was saying that the 72" canopy had 3 MHs while the 60" on only had 2?


the 60" fixture I'm looking at has 3 MHs and 2 VHOs. The 6" on each side will hopefully give enough room to "breathe"...
Thanks for the input!


Active Member
oh wow. yeah, if you have 3 MHs then you will be fine and probably will be able to put corals on the sides too if you realy want to.


I was wondering this same thing about my 90 gallon. If I went went halides under my wooden canopy I was wondering if the 36" fixture wouldnt be ok and then there would be more room for the fans to work effectively. Also, my tank is drilled (corner) and that shortens the length of my tank. I hope you don't mind me jumping on your thread and thanks for posting a question I too was wondering about!