5 month old 125g


I just wanted to share some pics of my 125. Please feel free to share positive or negative feedback.



Active Member
nice but needs a backround. my father travels alot so we have alot of airline blankets so i take them and put it on the back of the tank for backrounds


Nice looking tank double and I agree the only thing I would change is add some sort of backdrop to hide some of the wires and stuff.


Yeah the wires bother me also, but I'm just waiting until the coraline overgrows the back glass.


Active Member
i wouldnt bother with the background, it looks fine now, and hopefully in a few months the back will be covered in coraline. imo, you have the perfect amount of rock in there to, enough to make hiding and some nice aquascape, and enough room for the fish to swim.
also, does your pygmy angel pick at your coral?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Double
I just wanted to share some pics of my 125. Please feel free to share positive or negative feedback.
Positive is the tank looks great.

Negative is that the tank is in your house not mine. LOL
Keep up the good work.


The pygmy has never touched a thing, hopefully that trend continues.
I have three 250w 14K metal Halides. the tank is 6 feet long, 18 inches wide, and 24 inches tall.
Thanks for the feedback, it is a great hobby and a huge learning experience.


I have about 145 pounds of live rock in the display. i plan on adding another 25 or 30 pounds to the sump.


New Member
Nice rock work...it's going to look even better when you get more coral.....but I like your camera...it take nice pics


yeah I agree, right now I have 12 different zoanthids a green and orange plate monipora (sp?), some candy cane's, green five star polyp, green ricordia, about 4 different varieties of mushrooms, and three color variations of blastamusa (sp?). But all of my coral is very small for the obvious reason $$$$$$$. So that's where the real patience part comes as you must wait for your corals to grow.


Hey looks great, but I agree to other people add some background. Thats what I did to my 75gal tank. Also it would be more nice if you add more live rock into your tank.
. I'm about to set up a new 125gal soft coral.


If you want a cheap, easy background, you can go to a fabric store. We bought a blue fabric that sort of looks like water and velcroed it to the top/back of the tank. It hides the wires and looks good.


Sea Horse, I think you are talking about the monipora (sp?) and the orange zoanthids.
I'm not worried about the backround, It will be covered in coraline within the next couple of months I'm sure. Attached is the difference in the last week