5 months later, my biocube


hey im out of the cycling process (took a loooooooong time no clue why, i didnt change anything) and running a 29G biocube on stock and im wondering what i should add/remove, what kind of fish i can add and other things ,help is appreciated!
oh and if anyone here lives in seattle to renton, WA if you could tell me some of the LFS you go to that'd be great


Active Member
I would remove the sponge filters and replace with Live Rock rubble. Also remove the bioballs as they hold and leak nitrates. There are ALOT of different kinds of fish you can get, so I would just do research into the size they grow to, diet, aggresiveness, etc. Just ask here and lots of people will let you know if they are compatable with what you already have. Good Luck, post some pics!