5 tangs together


Can I put 5 small yellow tangs together in at one time in a 155gl bow tank.


Active Member
yellows don't(generally) seem to like their own much, or for that fact other tangs at all, they do tend to be aggressive and normally should be only one per tank


Untrue to popular Yellow tangs can be kept together in groups of 5 or more in a large enough aquarium! The problem with your setup is that yellow tangs can grow to around 14" and 5-14" tangs in a 155g would be like sardines in a can. It should be okay for a while but soon they will outgrow the tank and you will have 4 too large tangs and no where to put them( only an assumption).

jim mcgonigle

New Member
Ok, I'm new to this hobby and have learned alot on this board and by reading and talking to people. I have recently started a small tank to get some experience...
Anyway, where does this 14" for a yellow tang come from? I heard 6" max. I've seen the same thing multiple times in previous posts about hippo tangs getting to be a foot and I've seen 5".
Am I missing something...


Some people think that fish don't grow as big in aquariums as they do in the ocean, believe me all yellow tangs have the potential to become 14" bruisers!


Active Member
sorry, i have only heard this about yellows, this one reason why we are getting a kole, but teh fact definitely remains that, the tank will not be large enough for 5, IMO, i would only add 2 (or 3 at the veryvery most), and theat would depend on what other fishes you get


Instead of 5 of the same tang, you could perhaps put a variety of them in. My uncle has a Sohal, Saifin, Yellow, and two hippos all in a 150 and he has no problems. I've also had a Powder Brown and a Kole together in a 70 and right now I have a baby hippo in with an Atlantic Blue but they're separated because the Atlantic Blue has been all over the hippo. Also currently, my dad has a Naso, Yellow, and an Orange-Shoulder Tang together in a 70. I know the tank is not large enough and don't worry because they will be moved soon. I would advise that you put different species of tangs in together at the same time to lower agression and not allow one fish to become established as my Atlantic Blue has become. Well thats my story so Good Luck!