5 watts per gallon PC, clams, sps, lps...what can i keep?

saltyfish dude

New Member
I recently got a coralife 48" 260 watt actnic / 10000k power compact fixture. This now gives me 2 equalling 520 watts over my 100 gallon reef setup. my tank is 48" long and 21" deep (kinda shallow, thats one of the reasons I liked the PC's). Keep in mind I also only have 4 soft corals right now.
I want your opinion on what else I may be able to add now that I'm over 5 watts per gallon and very good distrabution of light over the entire tank. I would like to try a couple of clams in the future, and either some sps or lps. I'm not sure yet. What are everyone's opinions on what is easier to keep and what species (that are colorful) might work for me. And of course I wanna add more softies.
Please let me know your thoughts...............
I'm learning that marine keeping is about patience, being open to ideas, responsibility, exploring and perfecting your methods, and most importantly, your own vision of your own little peice of the ocean..........
I have that same fixture, I am very happy with it except purchasing new lights for it every 12 months. Anywaws, I have a Blue ricordia, button polyps, anenome, Colt, and candy cane coral. They are all very happy and growing quite well after 2 months.


fish addict

If you are relatively new to corals like me you should go with mushrooms, I've heard they are great for beginners, and they come in all sorts of colors!


Active Member
i think i just answered your post on --
anyway ill tell you the same here. soft corals and lps would be fine. clams and sps will most likely brown out.


Active Member
some montiporas might work out and clams high up ont the top of the rocks should be alright i dont recall which one (but not crocia) would be okay


Active Member
No clams, you need at least 6 watts a gal. I had a monti cap under 5 watts that did well. Thats about it for sps.