500 Gallon setup for sharks


Ok a friend of mine is moving outof state and he is giving me his 500 gallon glass tank that he hasnt used in years..my question is what type of filtration can i put into it i want it for a shark tankmaybe bamboo or leopard shark the tank is not drilled and it comes with nothing please someone give me some advise on really good filtration without having to get tank drilled
Thank you
Sorry for the double post but i figured maybe risk can help out here


500 GALLON GLASS TANK$?#^%$#@%
What the hell does that thing weigh about 4 million pounds?? So you gonna rent Hercules for the weekend to get it into your house?
First things first man... fill the tank and do the leak test... then think about livestock and everything else. Best thing for a tank that size is a big sump that you can run a wet/dry and a skimmer from. You could even plump it so you can run a fluidized bed off it then have the return from the end of that. You may even need two wet/drys or something to perform double duty for the sharks. My filtration FAQ is a good start to learn the basics. You filter material for that size tank and your stocking ideas isn't going to come cheaply.
Thats my advice... big sump... big skimmer... big wet/dry... and a fluidized bed. Run them all together and drop 3 200 watt heaters in your sump you should be golden.
Avoid the leopard shark they just get to big and aren't the simplest to take care of.


Hi again I think you should physically measure this "500" tank. I got into this when a friend tried to sell me a "145" and I went to go see it and my 100(95 by measurement) was almost a foot wider and 4 inches deeper. The method to figure this out is take the internal dimentions (in inches) multiply length widhth and height divide the sum by 231 (231 cubic inches per gallon) by the way 500 gallons is a lot of water if that thing breaks..............or is too heavy for the floor................


a gallon of pure water (no salt no minerals no nuthin just water) weighs about 8 lbs per gallon.
hope you put it in the basement and even then. concrete can crack.