55 gal Aggressive


Active Member
I promise I will read and heed. I have a 55 qt tank that was FO and I am returning it to active duty. It is devoid of any decorations rock,etc. The only inhabitant is a 7" lined puffer. I don't care if it has LR or sand or cc or anything. Think "clean slate". I want the most unusual and pretty aggressive fish I can house with a puffer. I've had him since I started in SW and I kinda like the punk. I have a 100 gal Marineland HOB and a 50 gal internal filter. I love triggers and groupers, but they really aren't that unusual. I am thinking up to $300 range for a long-lived fish or fishes. Eels interest me, but my wife is openly fearful of anything that looks like a snake.I have LR and LS to spare, if necessary, but I want this to be a fish-comes-first tank.My only reservation is with something that needs live food, because there is only 1 small LFS that doesn't stock any marine feeder fish and I'm squeemish that way.PLEASE, think out of the ho-hum box.


Active Member
Honestly the 55g size really limits the "cool" factor you would be willing to pay for like an octopus, eel, shark, or ray. But if I were you for the size -- I'd go with an angler fish or two, great to keep alone or with another "larger" species and think they're cool. That's what I would do in a fish only of that size.


Active Member
OK, I am with you on the size of the tank. I also have often seen anglers and thought they were a cool fish.Are they able to adapt to frozen food?Also, would leaf fish be a suitable tankmate?Would I need to specialize the substrate?And a final question, how about lionfish and would they be compatible?


Active Member
All good question... I saw a lfs in vegas that fed the anglers frozen so I assume so -- but not positive.. plus it would be fun to watch them eat something live (honestly I'm not sick :)
Not sure on how compatible... but I know the lions/anglers have a REALLY big mouth for their size.. as long as they can't eat each other I would say yes.


Active Member
I have read severeal of the 55 gal threads, but folks are always talking about upgrading.I have a 125g reef tank and no plans to upgrade the tank for them.I don't want to crowd whatever I get.I was thinking, after a nights respite, that a lionfish(volitan or zebra) and 2 anglers.I am not married to the idea, and I won't be disappointed with just a couple fish.I learned my lessons on an over-stocked tank already, so if the 4 fish mentioned are too much, let me know.


Active Member
How is this: Fuzzy dwarf (fits the bill perfectly
), Frogfish, Angler and the already housed lined puffer? All are unique and from what I've read here, should work in the 55g long term. If these are ok together, what kind of substrate?


Active Member
Might be high on your bio load depending on your filtration. I would have a sandy/crushed coral bottom I guess... something for the angler to walk around on and hunt over.
Obviously live rock but I'd keep an area clear on the bottom as well.


Active Member
I should have said I don't know anything about puffers lol... interesting but I don't care for them much personally. :)

crypt keeper

Active Member
I saw a dog face at a certain LFS, not my main one, kill a newly added smaller V lion. I dont know if it was hungry but it was like blood in the water. That dogface was mad about something. Didnt help it was in a 20 gallon long jail cell waiting to be bought.


Active Member
That is a good point.I will digest that for a while.My puffer has only acted aggressive to other fish once.When I was QTing 6 damsels, 3-3 lines and 3-green/blue.He ate the one of each, the ones that kept picking at him.I've had him with tangs, angels,blennies,you name it.He only made dinner out of the 2 little guys that pestered him.I wonder if puffers see lionfish as direct competitors?You two have been super-helpful.Thank you,very much,for your help.I now have a great view of where I can take this.If I do get a fuzzy lion,if there are issues with the puffer,would a lion be ok with damsel,angels and a yellow tang in my reef?


Active Member
Unfortunately I think that puffer will have to be upgraded even if no other fish are added. At 7", you can probably see that it already makes that tank look really small. Imagine that guy packing on another 7"...
As far as other aggressives in that tank you should probably get another large specimen so it can handle your puffer. There are some amazing wrasses that would do well. But the problem you'll run into, again, is that if you want a fish large enough to compete with your puffer, you are talking about 2 fish that are very large for a 55 gallon.
My advice is to turn the 55 into the reef and make the 125 into an aggressive tank... many more options.


Active Member
I have thought about it, but two issues: 1)My wife loves the big reef set up and after 2 years, she's just now seeing it as more than a money pit. 2)I have a yellow tang and I don't think a 55gal is big enough for him/her.

crypt keeper

Active Member
nothing cooler than a huge reef set up. The fuzzy dwarf is a coral safe lion. Not shrimp safe. So if you have shrimps then I wouldnt add it. Lions arent aggressive so much as they are a predator fish.


Like Crypt Keeper said, I would be weary of a puffer and a lion... Their Beek like mouth is bad news for a lion. (Although sometimes they are fine, you are playing an expensive game.)


Originally Posted by mantisman51
I have thought about it, but two issues: 1)My wife loves the big reef set up and after 2 years, she's just now seeing it as more than a money pit. 2)I have a yellow tang and I don't think a 55gal is big enough for him/her.
I will be putting a yellow tang in my 4 Foot tank, but he will only be there 6-9 months tops while he grows... If you are planning on a larger tank in the future, a small specimen will be ok. Otherwise, these guys will be too confined to dash aroung. (And lets be honest, the coolest thing about a yellow tang is their ability to be in constant motion.)