55 gal for sale w/ 10 gal QT


I'm selling a 55 gal tank with 2 powerfilters 300gph, 300 watt heater, homemade stand, decor, dual ourlet air pump with bubble wall, firefish, 2 chromis, royal gramma, clown goby, lawnmower blenny, and a 10 gal QT with powerfiler.
Selling a a package only for $300$ a complete setup
houston tx pickup only for right now.
please let me know if your interested.


New Member
I have been researching the saltwater world and find it to be extremely fascinating. I have been taking my time due to the extreme care that is needed for these lovable creatures.
Please email me, I am in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. I was wondering if you have any pictures available.